Thursday, December 2, 2010

#62: God and His Promises

Of all the types of gods that we might have had, the truth is that we have the best God.[ Ex,8,6] We could have had a fickle god, but instead we have an eternal God.[Gn,21,33] We could have found ourselves kneeling to a diabolical god, but instead our God is holy.[Lev,11,45] We even might have had to do with a god made of energy, but instead our God is noncreated spirit.[Jn,4,24]

It could have been unthinkable to have a relationship with God, but instead God is nearby,[Deut,4,7] so close in fact that he likes to dwell inside of us.[1Cor,3,16] Our relationship with God could have been very similar to the way a master relates to his slave, but instead God treats us like a Father to a son[Rom,1,7] ,and a Friend to a friend[Jn,15,15] and an Advocate to a defendant.[Jn,14,16]

In summary, God is a great person and it is worth the effort that you invest to know Him better; and if I might add He created you in His own image[ Gn,1,27], therefore I am pretty sure that you are a person that I should get to know better.

Today's reflection will be centered on only one verse from the book of Joshua.  Before you read it, I recommend that you make a pause in prayer to acknowledge God's presence and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you.

14 "Today, as you see, I am going the way of all men. So now acknowledge with your whole heart and soul that not one of all the promises the LORD, your God, made to you has remained unfulfilled. Every promise has been fulfilled for you, with not one single exception.[  Jos, 23,  14]

Reflection points.

1. In order to get out of this world everyone of us needs to experience death, which is nothing more than leaving behind the physical part of our body and continuing with the spiritual part.  In fact, for the most part, our lives will be spiritual.  The part that we are currently living, which we call our lives, is as tiny in length as a blink of the eyes in comparison to the eternal life that awaits us. God placed death in our path and He is waiting on the other side with open arms to embrace us in a way that only two spiritual beings can embrace one another.

2. God's promises are remarkable.  ¿What are His promises? and ¿why are they remarkable? God promises: love, plenitude, company, help, protection, nourishment for body and soul. Only God can give us these things in such a perfect way and that is why his promises are remarkable.

God's promises are sacred because they have infinite value and they are gifts that come from Him. His Name, His honor and his promises are not to be used in vain; for example, by uttering a false oath.  God honors His word and abides by His promises.  We must not smear God´s reputation by promising something in God's Name that we have no intention of actually doing.

Be careful with your promises because we are fragile beings.  Today we are here but tomorrow could be our last day.  So remember the second commandment: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.  I believe it is the second in the order of commandments because after love, God's promises are essential for our happiness.

So let us pray to our Holy Mother and ask her to teach us to keep the second commandment, by removing from our mouths blasphemous words, dirty words, spells, enchantments, and perjury.

Thank you for reflecting with me this passage of Scripture.  This is a place where you are appreciated.  This is a place where you are loved in Christ.  You are the purpose of my blog.  May God bless you abundantly.

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